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To obtain a challenging position as an IT Professional within a large organization where extensive Experience can be further developed and fully utilize myself.

Paper Publication

Lead Author

NCACSET 2017,L. D. College of Engineering

This research paper's objective is mainly focus on how hackers use Google dorks to steal information on the database

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Casino Royal

Programming Languages :- C

Casino Royal Game is a Number Guessing Game.Player deposits an initial amount to start playing a game.he guesses a number between 1 to 10 and enters the betting amount.If he wins he will get 10 times of money he bets.If he bets on the wrong number he will loss his betting amount.


Programming Languages :- Socket Programming in Java

In this Project, User can identify Busy PortNumber


Programming Languages :- Servlet,Jsp,JDBC
Database:- Mysql

With help of this Project, User Can Download Multimedia, text, pdf file

Six Degree Of FreeDom Simulator

Programming Languages :- Python 2.7 Open Source PlatForm:-Octave
Python Library:-Numpy,Mathploit


Skills & Proficiency

C Programing

Core Java & Python 2.7

Operating System & Basic Networking

Raspberry Pi 2

Working With Ubuntu 16.04

Data Structures & Algorithms